Introduction (Ozioma) PILA
Introduction (Ozioma) PILA

English Version
The Mission of PILA is to
• Provide Igbo language and culture instruction to Igbo children and other interested individuals,
• Serve as a socio-cultural support organization to Igbo Community
• Organize Igbo cultural activities, parties and trips for scholars.
• Organize seminars and workshops for scholars.
PILA Goals
- Online Promotions and Supports
- Promotion of all Cultures (Igbo) and others.
- Promotion of any Event
- Entertainment Services ( Dancing, Ushering, modeling, etc
- Customers Engagement/Services.
Business Types
To help meet this purpose:
PILA will:
• Promote lasting friendship, understanding, justice, honesty, and promote cordial and fun relationship among those who sign the contract.
• Will solicit financial support to advance the activities listed above
• PILA is open to Ndi Igbo (all Igbos) and friends who are interested in Igbo language and culture
• Volunteers shall participate and support the meetings and activities of PILA
Build long-term character development that nurtures decent and healthy living
Energize our young adults to make positive business decisions necessary for a successful and joyful life
Establish strong bonds among Igbo young adults – bonds that are borne out of social and economic networking with deep root in Igbo ancestral pedigree and affinity
Encourage national and international Igbo cultural exchange and programs
Champion Igbo language and culture among all Igbo in social and cultural gatherings
The Specific Goals of PILA include:
Teach Igbo language to all – promoting fluency in Igbo reading, writing, and speaking
Promote Igbo culture and heritage particularly among Igbo children
Stimulate active interactions among Igbo children and adult
Engage our scholars in extra-curricular activities that are geared towards college readiness and preparedness
Create one umbrella for all Igbos (Igbo Nke Anyị Ga-enwe Eze…Isee!)
Our language teaching, training and course curricula are structured to help students to not only understand the language but to speak and write it as well. Our lessons are designed to help beginners and advanced learners of Igbo language and culture to understand, speak, read, and write Igbo Language, and to experience Igbo culture. Our courses differ in their levels of complexity, from basic (level A), intermediate (level B), and tertiary (level C) offers a wonderful opportunity for proficient speakers to remain connected in the language and culture.

You can join PILA whenever you like. It's a voluntary non profit registered association by (KIN, 2013)
PILA operates on free entry/ exit modality.